Helping You Enjoy Your Wealth Today Without Having to Worry About Running Out Tomorrow

You’ve worked too hard for too long to not enjoy what you’ve built. We strive to help retirees and those making their exit to maximize income and minimize taxes so they can maximize living.


Breathe Easy – You’re at Exit 59

Our firm’s name—Exit 59 Advisory—is a metaphor for life’s journey. Our favorite Exit 59 is off I-95, a busy highway along the East Coast, to Guilford, Connecticut. Driving into the quaint town, you catch sight of the dense woods and inhale the salty sea air. As you clear the woods, an expansive waterfront appears seemingly all around you. Life immediately slows down.

To us, I-95 represents your working life. It’s a long journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, starts and stops. But when you reach Exit 59, you can relax and breathe easy, knowing you’ve made it. Likewise, at Exit 59 Advisory, our goal is to give you the confidence necessary to truly enjoy your freedom.


Can the 2023 “Goldilocks” Economy Continue in 2024?

Can the 2023 “Goldilocks” Economy Continue in 2024?

The numbers are in—no more guessing about growth levels or inflation rates for 2023. That is all in the rearview mirror (not counting upcoming adjustments to historical gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates). Many are suggesting the U.S. economy is experiencing a...

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